
Germination  experiment with *Prosopis juliflor* under different osmotic potentials and temperatures. __Where:__    A) Bar graph with germination percentage in a factorial analisys.  B) Line graph from cumulative germination under different osmotic potentials.

Figure 7.1: Germination experiment with Prosopis juliflor under different osmotic potentials and temperatures. Where: A) Bar graph with germination percentage in a factorial analisys. B) Line graph from cumulative germination under different osmotic potentials.

Plant of *Jatropha curcas*.  A) Foliage. B) Leaf.  C) Fruit.

Figure 7.2: Plant of Jatropha curcas. A) Foliage. B) Leaf. C) Fruit.

Multivariate Analysis:  Principal component Analysis and Hierarchical Clustering Analysis.

Figure 7.3: Multivariate Analysis: Principal component Analysis and Hierarchical Clustering Analysis.